Thursday, January 23, 2025

i love loving things

especially nature! i love leaving school and having the first thing i see be the sky. its always so interesting to look at the sky/sunset every day. today it was especially beautiful, the clouds were all pointing towards the sun and they looked like thin sheets of ice. they also had a really exquisite texture. genuinely looking at nature makes me so happy idk 😭everything is just stunningly beautiful and fascinating and even looking at a pretty tree can make my day better at school or whatever. nature is one of the best things abt life i should go outside more lol


  1. i thought that was a real picture u took looks so ethereal
    i need to start appreciating small things more bro ive been so miserable lately

    1. it does look ethereal i love that pic <3 wish i lived somewhere where i could see things like that every day
      appreciating the small things rly does make you happier ngl.. hope you get through your miserable slump quickly ☹️ at least its friday!


Song OTD

Today's song is あなたに (For You) by Anzen Chitai! Started listening to his discog. I like how it starts out slow and gradually increases i...