Saturday, November 9, 2024

Painting OTD


This painting is by Aziz Sulaymanov. I love the high contrast between the whole painting and the cherries, and the contrast within the cherries themselves. This painting looks so shiny and juicy and smooth and edible. Love the rough brushstrokes and subtle color changes! Also found his website and omgg love his other art too! In many of his paintings, the style is pleasing to the eye imo. Aziz Sulaymanov – Official Gallery and Store | @azizsulaymanov | Азиз Сулайманов


  1. ive always wanted to paint with rough brushstrokes like this but idk how

    1. me toooo whenever i try it looks sloppy and unfinished


Song OTD

Today's song OTD is Yuuzuki by Pink Martini ft. Saori Yuki! This song is so beautiful oguhgn and the instruments are amazing and the sin...